
A summer like no other....

Welcome back!

I spent a beautiful weekend in sunny Prince Edward Island where they are still excited about the visit last week of Reege and Kelly. Seems they couldn't say enough wonderful things about 'The Gentle Island'. I've got to say the seafood was fantastic! [By the way, I squeezed in a golf game in before I went to the Island, and managed to score a 90!] I didn't say I SHOT a 90......

What can you say about a summer in which most of the airtime is taken up by stars behaving badly. No, wait! It's always taken up by that! With the 'tabloidization' of mainstream media in full swing, what do we expect? 

So thankfully we have the streaming audio clips from Mel Gibson in a rage. [Don't bet on him managing an Alec Baldwin recovery. After all, Alec just screamed at his daughter and called her names.] If Mel only did that to his ex, that would be entirely recoverable. However, he used racial epithets and one thing Hollywood won't put up with is anything that smacks of racism. 

Lindsay Lohan? Sad. Enough said.

Lord Black has Left the Big House.....
Let's turn now to more interesting turns of events. Conrad Black is free, with still legal actions and millions of dollars in legal fees ahead of him. The schadenfreude about him is somewhat sickening, don't you think? Although Martha Stewart went through that and recovered, it will be interesting to see if Lord Black can recover. I tend to think he will. He'll get a book deal and be on the lecture circuit real fast as he has big bills to pay and it looks like he didn't have the $2 million bail to put up, so a friend had to do it. However, humility can go a long way in recovery. I truly wish him well and I hope that he is able to turn some of his prodigious talents to prison reform, as it is desperately needed - on both sides of the border.

The RCMP closes Files on Helena Geurgis and Rahim Jaffer 
That, of course, was entirely predictable and we're not even sure what the allegations are. Of course the Conservatives don't want her back and they immediately made that clear. 
Although I did get a kick out of this comment from the NDP's Pat Martin:
“It appears that the Prime Minister overreacted based on the flimsiest of evidence,” NDP MP Pat Martin said. Say, isn't that Pat's modus operandi???? 

Mainstream Media Change the Obama Label
The mainstream media [MSM] are changing their label on President Obama, have you noticed? They're now introducing him on the news as "the increasing unpopular President". Ouch!

Then there's always Sarah Palin....
.... to round out a strange week.....Sarah 'refudiates'  reports about the Tea Party...defends  it in her blog. Some things never change right? Well we're off for some relaxation time (with some work in the middle of it all for three days). First to stratford, then to Southwestern Ontario, then on to Martha's Vineyard. Definitely some theatre, then some golf, some reading and relaxation. How about you?

Have a good summer and stay safe! We'll catch up in later in August. Maybe it won't be so crazy by then??? Nah...of course it will!

Until next time...

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